Ranthambhore | July 2 ,2016 : Mostly Ranthambhore Nature Guide’s main income source is only this Tiger Reserve. Hence they earn their livelihood by doing this job as a Nature Guide or Naturalist. Therefore, the Nature Guides are sincerely careful to the beauty and safety of this park because it is the only income source of helpless Nature Guide. So, they play very important role for the conservation of the park. That is the main reason, they are full attention to take care of it. It will surprise that from picking up plastic bags to illegal forestation, cattle grazing and forest firing are also controlled by them. They are very much careful to tiger’s monitoring and perfect conservation of the park. No any other can do so perfectly and sincerely. But, it is our hard luck that usually people do not appreciate our hard job. That’s a reason, our main source of income is so little. it is really very painful for us. Today, I read one article about nature-guides. It is quite impressive for me and I got relax that someone can think of us. I hope that you would like it Read more...
The self-taught guides are vital to tiger tourism in Ranthambore, but they earn very little
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Mustak on Nov 16, 2016
Thank you very much to Mr. Shiva Kumar N. ji you have written about nature guides in proper way. We really earn very less due to only bureaucracy!
Michael (Deepak SJB) Rana on Jul 4, 2016
These valuable members of the tourist trade need to be well paid and their observations are vital in spotting and discouraging poachers, as well as notifying the authorities on their sightings! The guides are the backbone of tourism in all national parks and animal sanctuaries! My ancestors were responsible for creating (Royal) Chitwan National Park in Nepal and respected highly, the opinions of the unofficial guides who escorted tourists in the reserve!
Sunil Shrivastava on Jul 4, 2016
I am glad to spot the nature guides from Ranthambhore at The Hindu, Business line news paper…Thank you very much Sir, Shiva Kumar. You are the first person who has felt our pain and shared with others. You have done very hard work on it. Congratulation..
denis rouffanche on Jul 3, 2016
c'est vraiment dommage que ces personnes qui aiment tant les tigres et font tant pour leur survie et font le bonheur des touristes en dévoilant tout leur savoir ne vivent pas dignement de leur métier
Sunil Shrivastava on Jul 2, 2016
A very good article about Ranthambhore nature guides .
Shard Sharma on Jul 2, 2016
No doubt, great article that raised our problem .... Big thanks for Great writer, Mr. N. Shiva Kumar...