Rare Animal Sighting Updates at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve

The following table serves as a record of rare animal sightings updates from tourism zone other than tigers. For tigers, see Tiger Monitoring

Showing 541-560 of 1,982 items.
#Animal NameRecord DateRecord TimeZoneReported ByNote
541Sloth bearDec 21, 2019AMRanthambore Rd.Nature guide, Javed RafiA sloth bear was sighted near Dosa Corner!
542Leopard Dec 20, 2019AM4Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted.
543Sloth bearDec 19, 2019AM7Nature guide, Javed RafiA sloth bear was sighted.
544Sloth bearDec 18, 2019AM6Nature guide, Javed RafiA sloth bear was sighted.
545Sloth bearDec 18, 2019AM10E.D.C guide, Imran Ali A sloth bear was sighted.
546Sloth bearDec 17, 2019AM2Nature guide, SallauddinA sloth bear was sighted.
547Leopard Dec 16, 2019AM1Nature guide, Vipul JA leopard was sighted.
548Sloth bearDec 15, 2019AM6Nature guide, Satish VermaA sloth bear was sighted.
549Leopard Dec 15, 2019PM5Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted.
550Leopard Dec 15, 2019AM1Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted.
551Leopard Dec 13, 2019AM2Nature guide, Javed RafiA leopard was sighted.
552Leopard Dec 12, 2019AM4,5Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted at common track between 4 and 5.
553Leopard Dec 12, 2019PM4Nature guide, JaideepA leopard was sighted.
554Leopard Dec 11, 2019PM4,5Nature guide, Shard SharmaA leopard was sighted at common track between 4 and 5.
555Leopard Dec 10, 2019AM4,5Nature guide, JaideepA leopard was sighted at common track between 4 and 5.
556Sloth bearDec 10, 2019PM4,5Nature guide, Javed RafiA sloth bear was sighted at common track between 4 and 5.
557Sloth bearDec 9, 2019AM2Nature guide, JaideepA sloth bear was sighted.
558Hyena Dec 7, 2019AM2Nature guide, JaideepTwo hyenas and two jackals were sighted.
559Jackal Dec 7, 2019AM4Nature guide, JaideepTwo hyenas and two jackals were sighted.
560Sloth bearDec 7, 2019AM6Nature guide, IrshadA sloth bear was sighted.

Note: The reported data is based on the tiger sighting updates from tourism zone at Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve by Ranthambhore nature guides and drives.